Hairy Teen Pussy

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Keep That Kitty Kat Warm

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Let’s face it, hair on a woman is hot. I’m not saying I like a girl that looks like a grizzly bear but a little hair isn’t a bad thing. It lets me know she’s a grown woman. I don’t want long armpit hair or leg hair, but on the pussy I like a little peach fuzz. I’m honestly ok with it on the asshole too. Women get too out of control with shaving. They shave or wax just about every part of their bodies. Eyebrows, upper lip, armpits, I’ve known girls to shave their arms, their pussies, assholes and legs. Now just think about how much time it must take to do all that grooming. Or if they go somewhere to have the hair waxed how much that must cost.  

I say save time and money and keep it is what I say. Let me feel the fur.

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