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Month: August, 2019

Oh That’s Punny

The name of this site is punny, really punny: Hairy Twatter. I believe that to be derived from Harry Potter and while the site doesn’t resemble the series in any way, it’s purely phonetic, I still like it.

It’s a good thing this little librarian looking girl is showing us where the honey is because I might not have found it in that jungle of hers. Not that I didn’t know where it is but because I wouldn’t have bothered.

It’s pretty easy for me to understand that there are people, apparently many, who like hairy pussies and bush like we’re back in the sixties while it is a complete turn-off for me. It’s easy for me because I am turned on by fat-assed midgets getting fucked by robots while it probably does nothing for you.

I’m not really turned on by that but you get what I mean. Different strokes for different folks.

So, you bush loving freaks, this site’s for you with a Hairy Twatter discount for 67% off.

For All the Hairy Twat Fans

I saw this ad for a great discount to a well known and well established porn site. Actually I think it’s a network with a couple of fetish sites. While bush really isn’t my thing I know some of you really like it so you could use this ATK Hairy discount for 43% off.

I personally couldn’t even fake or act like I enjoy hairy pussies, I wouldn’t have the first clue of what to even say beyond obvious stuff like “hey, look at that lovely hairy twat”. I actually think this girl in picture probably has a really pretty pussy but all of that hair just completely ruins it for me which is particularly disappointing because she is so cute.

I think she should name her pussy George Bush, not only because that is obviously appropriate as far as word play is concerned but also because I always thought he was a bit of a cunt. Junior specifically.

But heh, like I said there are some other sites in the network too so it’s still a bargain.